A reference table of all available configurations options for the Lotus Docs theme.
A list of available configuration settings in the site configuration file, hugo.toml
, hugo.yaml
, or hugo.json
Google Fonts
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
google_fonts | array | N/A | An array of Google fonts and sizes to load. e.g.google_fonts = [["Inter", "300, 400, 600, 700"],["Fira Code", "500, 700"]] This will load the Google Inter and Fira Code fonts in the specified sizes. |
sans_serif_font | string | System Font | Set the Sans Serif font. e.g. "Inter" |
secondary_font | string | System Font | Set the Secondary font. e.g. "Inter" |
mono_font | string | System Font | Set the Mono font. e.g. "Fira Code" |
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
copyright | string | N/A | Sets the footer copyright text for both the landing page and documentation site (supports Markdown) |
version | boolean | false | Display the site’s truncated git commit hash in the footer? TBC |
Social links are displayed as icons in the top left corner of the Lotus Docs theme. This goes for the landing page and docs site.
Social Icon Links
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
github | string | N/A | Enables the GitHub social icon link using the GitHub URL value set here e.g. colinwilson or colinwilson/lotusdocs |
bluesky | string | N/A | Enables the Bluesky social icon link using the username value set here e.g. |
twitter | string | N/A | Enables the Twitter / X social icon link using the username value set here e.g. lotusdocs |
instagram | string | N/A | Enables the Instagram social icon link using the username value set here e.g. lotusdocs |
rss | boolean | false | Display an RSS icon link? |
Options to help you configure Lotus Docs to suite your needs.
Core Site Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | string | N/A | Set the default HTML title for your documentation pages/sections e.g. Lotus Docs (This parameter is separate from the root Hugo title parameter that sets the title for your site overall e.g the landing page.) |
pathName | string | docs | Pathname for the documentation site. A few additional changes to the Lotus Docs theme are required when this value is updated. See the Installation guide for more details. |
themeColor | string | blue | Set the sites accent color. This affects links, buttons and icons. Available options/colors include, blue (default), green , red , yellow , emerald , cardinal , magenta , cyan . |
darkMode | boolean | false | Enable Dark Mode? |
prism | boolean | true | Enable the PrismJS syntax highlighting plugin? See the Syntax Highlighting and Prism Shortcode guides for more details. |
prismTheme | string | lotusdocs | optional - Set theme for PrismJS. Options include: lotusdocs , solarized-light , twilight , lucario . See the Syntax Highlighting guide for more details. |
UI Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
breadcrumbs | boolean | true | Enable breadcrumb navigation links above the content title? |
descriptions | boolean | true | Enable front matter descriptions under content title? |
backToTop | boolean | true | Enable back-to-top button? |
navDesc | boolean | true | Enable front matter descriptions in content Prev/Next navigation card links? |
navDescTrunc | integer | 40 | Number of characters by which to truncate the Prev/Next link front matter descriptions. |
listDescTrunc | integer | 100 | Number of characters by which to truncate card front matter description. |
Icon Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
sidebarIcons | boolean | false | Enable icons for menu items in the sidebar?. |
titleIcon | boolean | false | Prefix content titles with an icon? When enabled and no icon is set in front matter, a the default Material Symbol icon article is set. |
GitInfo Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
repoURL | string | N/A | Set the Git repository URL for your site e.g. |
repoBranch | string | main for GitHub and GitLab. master for BitBucket | Set the branch name of your Git repository to use for your site e.g. main |
editPage | boolean | false | Enable ‘Edit this page’ link at the bottom of documentation pages? Links to the Git repository set by the ghrepo parameter. |
lastMod | boolean | false | Enable ‘Last updated’ date at the bottom of documentation pages? |
lastModRelative | boolean | true | Format the lastMod (if enabled) date parameter as relative? e.g. 8 hours ago, 2 months ago |
Table of Contents
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
toc | boolean | true | Enable a Table of Contents for all documentation pages? (Activates only if a documentation page generates a ToC). |
tocMobile | boolean | true | Enable a Table of Contents menu in mobile view? Helps navigate pages with a lot of headings/sections. |
scrollSpy | boolean | true | Enable scrollSpy on the Table of Contents menus? |
Link Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
intLinkTooltip | boolean | false | Enable tooltips for internal links? Displays info about the link’s destination? See the Link behaviour guide for more details. |
extLinkNewTab | boolean | true | Open external links in a new Tab? |
logoLinkURL | string | true | Set a custom URL destination for the top header logo link. |
FlexSearch Options
See the the FlexSearch Guide for more information regarding the options below.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
enabled | boolean | true | Enable FlexSearch? Note: If [params.docsearch] is configured, FlexSearch is automatically disabled regardless of the value set here. |
tokenize | string | forward | Set the behaviour for the search process. Options include: full , strict , forward , and reverse . |
optimize | boolean | false | Enabled to uses a memory-optimized stack flow for the FlexSearch index? |
cache | integer/boolean | 100 | Enable of set cache behaviour. FlexSearch will use the available cache to store popular searches. |
minQueryChar | integer | 0 | Set the minimum number of entered characters required before any search results are rendered. 0 disables this requirement and results are shown as soon as any character is entered. |
maxResult | integer | 5 | Set the maximum number of results presented for a search query. |
searchSectionsIndex | array | [] | TBD. |
DocSearch Options
See the the DocSearch Guide for more information about DocSearch.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
appID | string | N/A | DocSearch / Algolia Application ID. |
apiKey | string | N/A | DocSearch Algolia Search-Only API (Public) Key. |
indexName | string | N/A | Index Name to perform search on. |
Plausible Analytics Options
See the the Plausible Analytics Guide for more information about how to configure Plausible Analytics for your Lotus Docs site.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
dataDomain | string | N/A | Set the domain name that you wish to track via Plausible Analytics, e.g. . |
scriptURL | string | | optional - Set the URL (domain/subdomain name) where your script.js file is self-hosted, e.g. . |
eventAPI | string | N/A | optional - Set the event API path. e.g. |
Feedback Widget
See the the Feedback Widget Guide for detailed information about how to configure the widget for Plausible and Google Analytics.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
enabled | boolean | false | Enable the Feedback Widget? Note: Either Google or Plausible Analytics need to be configured for the Feedback Widget to function. |
emoticonTpl | boolean | false | optional - Enable the emoticon Feedback Widget template? |
eventDest | array | N/A | optional - An array to define which configured web analytics services to send feedback events to. Available options currently include, google and plausible .Note: If not set, the feedback widget will send feedback events to all web analytics services configured in hugo.toml . |
successMsg | string | Thank you for helping to improve our documentation! | optional - Set the message that’s displayed when feedback is successfully submitted. |
errorMsg | string | Sorry! There was an error while attempting to submit your feedback! | optional - Set the message that’s displayed when there is an error in submitting feedback. |
Emoticon Feedback Template
Parameters specific to the emoticon feedback widget template.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
emoticonEventName | string | Feedback | optional - Set the feedback event name for the emoticon template. |
Default Feedback Template
Parameters specific to the default feedback template.
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
positiveEventName | string | Positive Feedback | optional - Set the name for the positive feedback event. |
negativeEventName | string | Negative Feedback | optional - Set the name for the negative feedback event. |
positiveFormTitle | string | What did you like? | optional - Set the title for the positive feedback form. |
negativeFormTitle | string | What went wrong? | optional - Set the title for the negative feedback form. |
positiveForm | array | N/A | optional - A nested array of ratings and descriptions for the positive feedback form. e.g. [["Easy to understand","Easy to follow and comprehend."]] , the first element in the nested array represents the rating, and the second, the description. |
negativeForm | array | N/A | optional - A nested array of ratings and descriptions for the negative feedback form. e.g. [["Hard to understand","Too complicated or unclear."]] , the first element in the nested array represents the rating, and the second, the description. |
Last updated 29 Jan 2025, 06:27 UTC .